Congratulations to our Love Stories winner. Happy Valentines day and we hope you enjoy your $500 gift card from Colonial Jewelers!!!

Lisa & George

Lisa Martinis

The Love story:

Thirty-One Years and Counting I was twenty, wide-eyed and free, 
You were twenty-six, wiser than me.
 So young and naive, but our hearts were so bold,
 A love story waiting, yet to be told. Married, a house, a cap and a gown,
 All in one month, life spun around.
 And in the midst—oh, what a ride!— 
Your car was stolen, you and Steve cried! Through hard times, through laughter and tears,
 We’ve built a love that’s spanned the years. We’re in our second house, our “dream home”. So very thankful to never be alone! A million-dollar family, my dad always said, A son, and a daughter— the butter on bread!
 With twenty cats (or maybe more),
 Two dogs, some fish, and critters galore. 
A dozen cars have come and gone,
 Yet our journey still drives on. So many trips, so much fun,
 The best friends and neighbors, every one. 
A life well-lived, a love so true,
 And I wouldn’t want to do it without you. Happy Valentine’s Day, the bread to my butter
 With you, my heart will always flutter!



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