Maryland’s Classic Hits Station

Soles of Love Shoe Collection


The Eagle is vowing to collect 100 pairs of shoes
for kids in Frederick and Washington County & we need YOUR help.

Please donate a pair (or more if you can) of brand new shoes (sneakers preferred) for children from Kindergarten to 12th grade. You can drop your shoes into the Soles of Love marked bin at the radio station located in the breezeway (between the two buildings) at 5742 Industry Lane, Frederick or in Hagerstown at 880 Commonwealth Avenue.

Soles of Love is a nonprofit whose mission is to provide new shoes for children in need living in Frederick and Washington Counties. Shoes are distributed to children through 10 nonprofit partner agencies.

They collect NEW shoes only. For both boys and girls ages kindergarten through 12th grade. There is a greater need for larger sizes typically.

Some of the organizations who benefit in Frederick County:  Girls on the Run, Housing Authority, Children of Incarcerated Parents, SHIP, I Believe in Me, and Boys and Girls Club.

In Washington County:  Children in Need, Girls Inc. Potomac Case Management, and Boys and Girls Club.

Three Ways to Help:

  1. Buy Tickets to attend the event on August 4, 7-9pm at Rockland Estates (few remain)
  2. Purchase shoes and drop off to the radio station (Deadline July 31st)
  3. Write some affirmation cards – (notes of encouragement written on 3x 5 cards which are put inside the shoes before distribution). These can be dropped off at the radio station into the Soles of Love bin (Deadline July 31)